Tuesday 22 October 2013

Sunset On The Hill In Munduk Bali

Munduk is a village located in Singaraja Regency of Bali. Above 800-900 sea level. and with average temperature 20 - 25 celcius. The village of Munduk has A rich history. legend tells that it was settled  by people from the mountains who were escaping an invasion of ants . Several clans then move from Klungkung to resettle in Munduk village 200 to 300 years ago. this was the portal through which the vizier of the Majapahit Kingdom in east Java penetrated to south Bali. History repeated itself when the Dutch expanded their colonial empire from Java to Bali. They too reach south Bali through the village of Munduk, and subsequently use it as a mountain retreat from the administrative capital of  Singaraja. For the first guest house for Dutch Officers was opened at Munduk village, along with traditional export commodities such as coffee, cocoa, cloves, and Vanilla. Scientist Van Deer Tuuck, Lifering and Dr. Goris research the culture of north Bali early in the last century and established Gedung Kertiya at Singaraja in 1928 this manuscript library possibly the only one of its kind of the world, contains collections and copies of hand written texts on palm leaf (Lontar). A unique combination of western and traditional Balinese musical instrument was played to the first president of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno, in front of Governor Palace in Singaraja in 1952. President considered this is a colonial invasion of the local culture. But the expression of the creativity cannot be stopped , and continues to the manifest in the younger generation. Artist such as Made Trip and other continued this joint performances in France Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland

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