Sunday 26 January 2014

Bali Textile Industry

 One of Indonesia's heritage, which is still preserved till this day in Bali is Batik. Batik is known by the world first when President Soeharto used it at the conference.
If you are on holiday in Bali, do not forget to visit the center of Batik, known as batik Galuh . Its location in Br Tegehe, Batubulan, District of Sukawati, Gianyar regency.
The quality of Batik produced highly preferred, so as to meet the tastes of market and got a very  positive response from consumer. Batik have received business license from the Department of Commerce in 1986 and has been registered as a taxpayer.

Batik area of marketing not only in Bali. But out side the region and abroad. For local marketing include Nusa Dua and Kuta area. Out of the city cover an area of Jakarta, Surabaya, Makasar, and other major cities of Indonesia. Well- Known in the international market, such as America, Europe, United Kingdom, Malaysia, And Japan.
Almost every day Batik Center visited both local and foreigner. because this type of batik supplied diverse. Ringing from batik shirts men's, women's shirts, batik sandals, various bag batik, souvenirs, crafts, and wooden sculpture and batik patterned Galuh.

For travelers bait lovers, for sure be satisfied choosing collection supplied, and supported by the waiters were friendly and professional. Reserved parking area is quite extensive and will not interfere with high way traffic.

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