Monday 23 June 2014

Batu Karu Temple

Luhur Batukaru Temple is one of Bali's key directional temples (Bali attractions) and a site of pilgrimage for Hindu Balinese. The Pura Luhur Batukaru lies in solitary clearing 1,300 meters above the sea level, all around the Batukaru temple you'll find a garden of flowering frangipani and hibiscus, with a gigantic, inhabited, humid tropical forest all around it. The impressive placed Batukaru is situated on the slopes of Mount Batukaru since the 11th century, which is an especially sacred site, even by Balinese standards. That's why all visitors have to carefully read and abide the temple rules posted clearly at the entrance. 

The temple is high on the slopes of the mountain and the often misty, drizzly micro-climate here just adds to its undoubtedly mystical atmosphere. Due to the cool climate and high rainfall (has the highest rainfall on Bali), the shrines in this temple are covered by moss.
Luhur Watukaru temple or Pura Batukaru is one of the biggest Hindu Temples in Bali (Sad Kahyangan), and one of the places of interest in Bali, with Catur Lokapala Temple and Padmabhuwana Temple status. Watukaru temple is located at Wongayagede village, Penebel District and Tabanan regency, west part of Bali Island (all Bali attractions).

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