Thursday 10 July 2014

Taman Ayun Temple

Main GAte
Taman Ayun Temple is a royal altar built in 1634 by the founder of the Mengwi Kingdom (1627-1891). The second-largest temple in Bali consist of forecourt, a central court and a spacious inner court. The temple is surrounded by a moat with lotuses, giving it the feel of a garden sanctuary. Betond the moat, the temple lies on slightly raised ground. A tall stone gateway separates the forecourt from the central court, While the inner court is surrounded by a stone wall. Within the inner court are Merus, dedicated to various deities and spirits. In  total, there are 50 shrines and pavilions in the temple complex. The Cultural of Bali Province, including the Royal Temple of Pura Taman Ayun, was inscribed on to the World Heritage List in 2012.

The temple is located in Mengwi Village, Badung district. Taman Ayun Temple actually is a fortress of Mengwi Kingdom, where it surrounded by lake. Taman Ayun Temple is strategically located beside of main roadway between Denpasar to Singaraja. And it owns the beautiful temple building with multistory roof and Balinese Architecture. The wide beautiful landscape garden in front courtyard to welcome all visitors who came and visit Taman Ayun Temple.

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